Real Time Feedback

No more waiting for your next in-person appointment to get technical feedback from your physical therapist. SCRENR Health’s patented SMART* system observes your movement live and provides feedback during and after each set. It’s like having the PT with you at home.

A physical therapist looking at a computer screen on Screnr Health

PT Anytime, Anywhere

SCRENR Health provides any patient with the convenience of home therapy without sacrificing the quality of your rehabilitation. Any mobile device with a camera can be set up in seconds allowing you to complete your therapy from home with real-time corrective feedback.

Have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to strap on a sensor?
Do I have to pay for the mobile app?
What if my physical therapist doesn’t use SCRENR Health?
Do I have to be connected to Wifi?
How long until I hear back from physical therapist on my performance?